

Companies must innovate to survive in the competitive world. Inventing, designing and developing must be efficient and aligned to stay competitive and manage costs. We bridge the gap from inception of an idea to go from conception to commercially viable product by leveraging Data integration platforms with automation.

Healthcare IoT

1. PUNARAT (Know your Knee)

know your pain areas (knee, spinal cord, arms, and all problems related to ortho, neural problems and predict the pain quotient to take right measure in right time.
Pain Management from patterns
  • Estimate Pain based on the body position.
  • Derive pain factor by the walking, sitting, and position of the body in healthcare industry for sports, knee patients, orthopaedic and spine issues patients.
  • This nano fabric IoT enabled knee cap predicts your pain areas and allows you to take necessary treatment before it goes worse.

2. TRIPADA (A 3-way communication platform)

Silence is soothing.. silence is weapon.. but for some of us silence is Communication.
TRIPADA, A 3-way communication platform helps the Autistic person to communicate with the world and on the other hand, a teacher/parent can communicate through the same using our speech to image on edge. Our powerful AI Models converts silent parameters from ASD kid and tell us whether the kid is responding to our language, a person, a specific topic and so on.. interesting right?